About Glenco Consulting, Inc.

Mr. Mumford's bond with the sea held strong throughout his youth, scholastic pursuits, and 10 years in the business world. Beginning in the late 70's he walked away from the landlocked business life to follow his passion for exploring the seas on sportfish boats.He had not realized at the time he would continue his exposure to entrepreneurial endeavors by sharing the company of many influential business professionals while immersed in the marine industry traveling to many exotic destinations outside the USA. Over the last thirty years, Mr. Mumford has lived and worked on the fringes of many of the finest marina resorts in the world. He has watched as these properties were developed from raw land and socialized with the principals and their vendors.The contacts he made have served him handsomely over the last 10 years working on marine development projects. Most recently, he was a founding team member; breaking ground on one of the eastern Pacific's most prestigious projects which is helping open the last boating frontier of Central America.


Working Associations

Vacation sportfishing packages with Blue Water Sportfishing Charters which is owned by GlencoConsutling: www.FightTheFish.com

Yacht sales with Bluewater Marine Brokeragae out of North Palm Beach, FL.: www.bluewatermarinebrokerage.com

Glen Mumford
5349 SE Running Oak Cr, Stuart, FL. 34997
Cell: 772-342-1240
www.glencoconsulting.com Glen@glencoconsulting.com